Serving Eugene & springfield Oregon - wood Fences, Decks, House painting & Handy Man services. Contact Today 503-200-9552

Get your Project Started! Experienced in building quality and visually appealing fences, decks, and house painting. Native Valley Contracting (LLC) from Springfield Oregon is here to get things done and bring your vision to life. Licensed , Bonded, & Insured!

llc, Oregon CCB#246541

Call for estimates or questions 503-200-9552

Springfield, Oregon

Wood Fences Wood Decks House Painting Handyman Services

We would love to hear about your project & get you scheduled for an estimate! Native Valley Contracting has a genuine passion for helping others accomplish their goals. We ensure every detail is crafted to meet the industry standards of durability and functionality and what enjoy what we do.

customer service

We believe in old fashioned and friendly customer service and each customer should be satisfied with each project completed. We are dedicated and focused on enhancing the quality and longevity of any project we are hired for.

Have a fence that needs fixed or replaced?

See our project photos below. We focus on excellent workmanship while enjoying what we do.

Have a painting project ?

We have excellent pricing for Exterior or Interior Painting projects or small paint/sheetrock repairs. We also recommend getting an estimate scheduled "before the busy Spring and Summer season starts!"


Have an odd or small job? Simply tell us what your small project is and we will let you know if its something we can help with, or try to refer you to to the right contractor.

native valley contracting llc serves you & the local community.

Call 503-200-9552


springfield, Oregon

Licensed, Bonded, and Insured. Oregon CCB#246541